Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Birthday Fun

Nicholas turned a year old on Feb. 3rd and the event was not without celebration. We woke Nicholas up that morning with a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY little man and proceeded to crackle barrel for a big 'ol country breakfast and a happy birthday wish and photo over our eggs at exactly 9:23 am. Then to Great Grandma's house to say hello and deliver an invitation to be bestest toddler party this side of the of the Mississippi :P The grandparents surprised us by taking us all out for Pizza for lunch, which having had a HUGE breakfast we weren't really hungry for but it was fun anyway. Well... it was until I was standing in line behind some old lady who took half (which happened to also be all that was left) of the only pizza I was up there to get. Freakin- A!! Anyway. Then on to LaRumba for dinner and cake and a HUGE mess lol, then to Granny's for a cup cake that Nicholas was allowed to make a mess with all over the floor. Nice. He passed out major when we got home but had to get up early the next morning for his date with the doctor for his check up and shots. Poor guy not only got shots but also more blood work :( It was traumatic so on the way home we stopped by Krispy Kreme for a hot fresh doughnut. He made tons of friends with the staff there and entertained quite a few customers as well. :) He never ceases to be adorable that is for sure!

In the midst of all the fun we put the final touches on Nicholas' birthday party. It was being held on neutral ground so that all of our various family units (as well as our friends) could come and get along and hopefully help us to celebrate. We ordered food and decorated and of course had some decent music playing in the background. We bought out party city's 1st birthday decorations and had fun hanging and taping them everywhere. Nicholas had his very own (healthier) banana birthday cake with cream cheese frosting. He actually didn't eat any of the cake haha but he did have a blast smearing frosting EVERYWHERE. As soon as I get a new computer (mine has crashed along with all the photo's of the last year -YIKES) and can pull the photos off the old hard drive I will be sure to post a few for your viewing pleasure. We ended up having to wash him down in the big sink in the kitchen to get all the sticky frosting off before heading home. Nicholas got tons of gifts (thank you all) which daddy had to open for him.Those photos are on the old hard drive as well :/

All in all the weekend was SUPER busy and SUPER FUN. I couldn't believe a whole year had gone buy so quickly. The challenges we faced in the past year have been tough but we made it. Now on to TODDLER HOOD :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like he had a great birthday! Yay Mommy and Baby for making it through the 1st year! :-)
